
QueryProof's Mission. Human is the most important. AI is great assistant.

Radosław Wandzel

16.11.2023 | 3 min

Introduction: The Human-Centric Approach

For us human is the most important. AI is only assistant. At the heart of our business is the belief that technological progress and human harmony can coexist in a single, coherent symphony.

The Need for AI: Supporting Human Effort

Why should we leave people behind when technology is racing forward? Remember Tomek, who spent 6 hours a day sifting through thousands of rows in Excel, looking for errors. Or Agnieszka, whose entire afternoon was spent sorting through emails from clients.

This is where our artificial intelligence comes in. Not to take away the jobs from Tomek or Agnieszka, but to relieve them of routine tasks that people don't want to undertake.

The Vision: AI as a Helpful Companion

We want AI to be like a faithful office dog – always ready to help, always focused on the task, but never replacing the human heart and intuition.

The Mission: Transforming AI into an Ally

Our mission is to transform artificial intelligence into an ally, not a rival. We want people to see AI as a friend who is ready to take on less inspiring tasks, allowing humans to focus on creating, innovating, and running a business.

The Partnership: A Harmonious Future Together

Together, we shape the future in which technology and humanity walk arm in arm, in harmony, mutual support, and understanding. After all, our story is a story of partnership. The partnership of man and machine in pursuit of a better tomorrow.

Radek is a seasoned IT professional with over a decade of experience in the healthcare, banking, and telecommunications sectors. With a keen interest in how AI can revolutionize business operations, Radek is passionate about finding cutting-edge AI solutions to enhance business efficiency and productivity. He sees tremendous potential in AI to empower individuals and organizations to focus on the most critical aspects of their business. As a hobby, Radek enjoys exploring innovative AI technologies that drive business success. Outside of work, he is an sports enthusiast, with a recent focus on Padel.

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