Will artificial intelligence
take away our jobs?

Radosław Wandzel

24.01.2024 | 5 min

Will Artificial Intelligence Take Our Jobs?

When was the last time you opened social media? Today? An hour ago? It doesn't matter. You've certainly encountered posts screaming about how artificial intelligence will destroy the job market and leave us, poor mortals, with empty pockets. It seems scary, right? But before you start packing your desk plant into a box, I have a few words of encouragement for you! Where did these alarming predictions come from?

Separating Hype from Reality

First thing: we all love a good drama. Saying "everything is okay" doesn't get as many likes as tragic prophecies. But looking realistically at technological development, yes - certain positions will be automated. Automated gas stations, self-checkout counters at supermarkets - this is already happening. But does that mean an apocalypse for workers?

A Historical Perspective on Technological Progress

Before I answer that question, let me present to you one important observation: when the locomotive was invented, many feared that horses would lose their jobs. And they were right. But did that mean the demand for transport disappeared? No! New positions, such as train drivers, emerged. The same applies to artificial intelligence. Some jobs will disappear, but new, more advanced, and... better-paid ones will arise.

Artificial intelligence is not the creation of the devil or a capricious god of technology. It is a tool. Just like a hammer, a computer, or a calculator. The philosophy of our company proclaims that artificial intelligence is to be a friend and assistant to man. So why fear it?

The possibilities AI opens up for us!

If your daily duty at work involves sifting through hundreds of documents in search of one specific piece of information, AI can liberate you from that. As a result, instead of losing time to routine, you'll be able to focus on innovative projects, creative thinking, and tasks that really add value to your company.

For many people, AI technology will become like the well-known keyboard - a tool that facilitates work but does not replace the human touch, empathy, and creativity.

Turning Potential Job Displacement into Opportunity

Wondering if artificial intelligence will take your job? It might, but it can also make your work more satisfying, less routine, and more profitable. Remember, progress is not an enemy, but an opportunity. The key is flexibility and willingness to learn. We believe that the future holds infinite possibilities, and artificial intelligence? It's our ally in pursuing them. Don't be fooled by rumors - instead, join us on a journey towards a better, more advanced future!


Radek is a seasoned IT professional with over a decade of experience in the healthcare, banking, and telecommunications sectors. With a keen interest in how AI can revolutionize business operations, Radek is passionate about finding cutting-edge AI solutions to enhance business efficiency and productivity. He sees tremendous potential in AI to empower individuals and organizations to focus on the most critical aspects of their business. As a hobby, Radek enjoys exploring innovative AI technologies that drive business success. Outside of work, he is an sports enthusiast, with a recent focus on Padel.

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